Thursday 19 March 2009

Edi & Edo

Edo reports on the news;news just in, it has been reported, just recently that Laura tried ingesting a dessert spoon when quite simply the rules are that no spoon ingesting is allowed!
She is currently being held in a cutlery factory until the spoon is anally REMOVED, she will then be taken to trial and is facing a death penalty.

Edi reports on the news the next day; news just in, Lucy trying to hide a spoon in her left thigh as she went through customs at the IRAQ air station. She had to be taken to a police station that specializes in spoon laws . Lucy will now face penalties as high as death its self or life in prison. She is not aloud to see another spoon again, if she does, the police fear she might go completely utterly physco and might start attacking the city (much like Godzilla) and eat you all.

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